Inspirational Gift Boxes That Nurture Her Heart & Soul
Updated by Melissa Heichel
While everyone possesses the power to change and make bold moves, finding the passion to get started and having the determination to see a project through to the end is a whole different story. Help a loved one discover her strengths, get inspired, and go out into the world with positivity with these inspirational gifts for women.
Whether you want to help a family member improve her health or deepen her faith, or you just want to send a unique gift to a loved one who could use some motivational encouragement (no special occasion or reason needed), you’ll find plenty of monthly subscription boxes that deliver an uplifting, personalized push to turn inspiration into action. All while saying “I love you” at the same time.
What are the best inspirational gift boxes for women?

Paradise Delivered Premium Box
Shipping: Your box will ship on or before the 8th day of every month. New subscribers can order up until the 25th of the month to receive that month's box. Following boxes ship on the 8th of the month.
Customer Review

Goddess Provisions Subscription Box
Shipping: Order between the 1st and the 17th of the month and your box will ship by the week of the 20th. All subsequent subscriptions will ship by the week of the 20th the following month.
Customer Review

Bath Bevy Subscription - Monthly
Shipping: Subscribe now for the March Springtime box - shipping the first week of March via USPS. Following boxes ship the first week of the month.
Customer Review

TheraBox | Self Care Box
Shipping: ✨ Reserve your “Refresh” TheraBox today with $186 in sustainable wellness essentials that take care of YOU and the planet 🌎 Ships between March 24th to March 29th!
Customer Review

Monthly Premier Paletteful Pack
Shipping: Orders placed by the 30/31st will ship on the 1st. All boxes ship on the 1st of each month.
Customer Review

Enlightened Warrior Book Club Premium Box 2025
Shipping: Order your box between the first and the last day of this month and you will receive your first official box at the beginning of next month. In order to be issued a refund you must cancel your membership 7 days before your next renewal. This helps our small business order our products accordingly.
Customer Review

Spiritual Goodies box
Shipping: Order now to reserve our November "Fall Magick" box We begin shipping on Nov. 11th and will continue to ship this month's box until we sell out or until November 30th. If you purchase after the 11th, your box will ship within 1-4 days. You will also receive a USPS tracking notice as soon as your box ships.

Cratejoy Fruit For Thought Subscription
Shipping: Now taking subscriptions to start with our Coffee & Cream theme shipping March 17. Monthly subscriptions renew the 1st of each month.
Customer Review

Butterfly Box Monthly Subscription Renews on sign-up anniversary
Shipping: We are PAUSING all the shipping and will resume on MAY 21, 2024