Back to School: A Comprehensive Guide for Students and Parents

Updated by Rocio Cancino

Heartfelt Gifts for Teachers: What Educators Reall Appreciate

Finding the perfect gift for a teacher can be challenging, especially when considering what they truly appreciate versus what they could do without. In this post, we’ll explore the gifts that teachers genuinely value and those they might not be so thrilled to receive. We’ll share five types of gifts that teachers love and five that they’d prefer you avoid.

It's important to note that teachers never expect gifts. Their passion for teaching stems from a love for educating and nurturing students, not from any desire for material rewards. However, if you are considering giving a gift, knowing what teachers really appreciate can make your gesture even more meaningful.

Understanding Teacher Gift Preferences

What Teachers Really Want

One of the most treasured gifts a teacher can receive is a heartfelt, handmade thank-you note. Whether it’s from a student or a parent, these personal messages are often kept for years, serving as a reminder of the positive impact they’ve had on their students' lives. A simple note expressing gratitude, sharing a favorite memory, or highlighting how much a child has grown means the world to a teacher.

Even if you’re on a tight budget, a personal note or a drawing from a student can be a cherished gift. Teachers often revisit these notes during challenging times, finding comfort and motivation in the thoughtful words of their students and parents.

Common Gift Misconceptions

While it’s the thought that counts, there are certain gifts that teachers often receive in abundance—or simply don’t need. Here are five gifts that teachers generally prefer not to receive:

  1. Mugs: Many teachers already have more mugs than they know what to do with. While the sentiment is appreciated, another mug may just end up in the back of a cupboard.
  2. Plants or Flowers: Though lovely, these gifts require maintenance and can be difficult to transport home at the end of a busy school day.
  3. Homemade Food: While the gesture is kind, homemade treats can pose allergy risks or go uneaten due to personal preferences.
  4. Bath Supplies or Perfume: These items are highly personal, and it’s easy to get them wrong, especially with allergies and sensitivities in mind.
  5. Jewelry, Makeup, or Clothes: These gifts can feel too personal and may not suit the recipient’s taste or style.

Practical and Appreciated Gift Ideas

Gift Cards and Monetary Gifts

Gift cards are a tried-and-true favorite among teachers. Whether it’s for a local coffee shop, a popular retailer, or even a grocery store, a gift card provides teachers with the flexibility to choose something they genuinely need or enjoy. Pairing a gift card with a heartfelt note can turn this practical gift into something truly special.

Classroom Supplies and Resources

Teachers always appreciate extra classroom supplies. Whether it’s fun pens, notebooks, or much-needed cleaning products like Lysol wipes and hand sanitizers, these items help keep the classroom running smoothly. Practical gifts like these show that you understand the everyday needs of a teacher’s job.

Personal Care and Relaxation Items 

Teachers often receive “Teacher Survival Kits,” which include essentials like band-aids, Advil, and other helpful items. Gifts that promote relaxation, such as candles, spa vouchers, or a thoughtfully curated self-care kit, are also greatly appreciated. These gifts acknowledge the hard work teachers put in and offer them a chance to unwind.

Creative and Personalized Gift Options

DIY and Handmade Gifts

Handmade gifts, especially those that involve a personal touch, are always appreciated. For example, custom tie-dyed sweatshirts with the teacher’s name or a small cross-stitch made by a student are thoughtful and unique.

Customized and Monogrammed Items

Personalized items like stickers, tote bags, or water bottles with the teacher’s name or a meaningful phrase are not only useful but also add a special touch that shows you put thought into the gift.

Thoughtful and Unique Gifts

Sometimes the most memorable gifts are those that reflect the teacher’s personality or interests. Whether it’s a small light for their keychain or a book in a language they’re learning, these thoughtful gifts show that you’ve been paying attention and truly appreciate them.

Group Gifts and Classroom Donations

Organizing a group gift or classroom donation is another way to show appreciation. Whether it’s contributing to a teacher appreciation fund or providing snacks for the teacher’s lounge, these gestures make a collective impact and are often welcomed by teachers.

Supporting Teachers Beyond Gifts

Supporting teachers goes beyond physical gifts. Advocating for teachers, defending public education, and participating in your child’s learning journey by reading together can be incredibly valuable. A letter to the school principal praising a teacher’s efforts can also go a long way in showing appreciation.


When it comes to teacher gifts, it’s the thought and care behind the gesture that truly counts. Whether it’s a simple thank-you note, a practical gift card, or a thoughtful handmade present, teachers will appreciate the effort you put into showing your gratitude. Remember, teachers are in this profession because they love what they do, and any small token of appreciation—whether a gift or a kind word—means the world to them.