Product Details
The Witches Moon: Witchcraft Delivered.
The Witches Moon is a premium subscription box crafted for the authentic Witch. We are passionate about our Craft and want to share our knowledge and practice with the world. *Not intended for Full Moon Ritual, 1 Box per month.- 10 to 20 items per box
- Items that may be included goes as follows: Hand-Rolled Spell Candles, Spells, Book of Shadows Artwork, Altar Items, Oracle/Tarot Cards, Herbs and much more!
- Full of hand crafted and exclusive items.
- We do not curate boxes based on specific allergies.
- $10.00 shipping. Plus applicable sales tax.
Past Boxes from The Witches Moon®
The Witches Moon® ~ The Coven of Elements ~ June 2024
To walk upon the magickal path is to find communion within the natural world, calling upon her essence and power to inspire and bolster our practices....
The Witches Moon® ~ The Healing Arts of Hygieia ~ May 2024
"After many years of carrying the world upon their shoulders, they come to the mouth of the dark cave..."
The Witches Moon® ~ The Exclusive Witch's Besom Collection ~ March 2024
"Placed delicately upon the altar table sits the Besom. As you pick it up, the smoke from the incense drifts in between each bristle, swirls around the handle, and finally makes its way to the heavens. A faint whisper can be heard... ‘The Sweeper of Storms’.”
The Witches Moon® ~ The Equinox ~ February 2024
As Imbolc passes by, calling upon the return of the Sun's Rays, we prepare for the coming of Ostara...
The Witches Moon® ~ The Magick & Mythos Collection ~ January 2024
We dive into the deep pool of the Greek Pantheon, calling upon the Gods & Goddesses of ancient times, recognizing their power and influence, and pulling them into the modern world…
The Witches Moon® - Empire of Oracles ~ December 2023
As the nights grow longer in preparation for the return of the Sun, we bask in the blinding darkness...
The Witches Moon® ~ The Thousand Souls ~ August 2023
“Our intuition continues to be refined and recalibrated by each practice, each ritual, and each correspondence. Our desire is for growth, for movement, and for real transformation. To achieve these results, we must offer real dedication to the practice, learning to fall into our rituals with focus and effort, and pushing aside any excuse we tend to muster when attempting to find time for personal growth and power....”
The Witches Moon® ~ The Witches Harvest ~ July 2023
“These past few months have been trying, transformative, and filled with un-ending effort and dedication. We now, with a deep breathe, welcome the fruits of our labor, rejoicing in The Witches Harvest. What a wonderful time it is, to feel deeply, love deeply, and swell with overwhelming gratitude for the fruition of focused intention..."
The Earthen Vessel ~ Celtic Tree Edition - May 2023
Throughout each transition of the year, we find seeds of change. Our lives as we currently know and understand it, is at a constant crossroad, facing never-ending transformation. As practitioners, we embrace this flow and call upon its movement to carry us through to vibrant and purposeful experiences...
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