Product Details

We find the best and most popular snacks!

The MY SNACK CLUB Box comes with the coolest and best tasting snacks from around the world – including hand picked sweets, crisps, cookies, chocolates, drinks and lots more!. Each months box is themed after a different country. The country of choice for a particular month and the snacks are a total surprise.

  • Snacks & Sweets from a different Country every month
  • Curated by a small family business
  • Discover something about other countries (Information guide included)
  • 1 happiness activity
  • Every box enters you to win a trip around the world

MY SNACK BOX MINI (5+ Snacks) is not available, but you'll love these other boxes!

Past Boxes from MY SNACK. CLUB

MY SNACK. CLUB appears in these collections…