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Start growing today!
Here at Easy Come Easy Grow our goal is to help you get growing and provide all the 'know how' you need to get started. When you subscribe and join the Easy Come Easy Grow family you will receive 3 different in season herb or vegetable seeds to grow along with us each month. Whether you have a backyard or a windowsill anybody can grow their food.- 3 different (in season) herb or vegetable seed per box
- Grow cards included!
- All seeds come from Australian companies
Past Boxes from Easy Come Easy Grow
September 2020 Seeds
We are super pumped to be able to start growing some spring herbs and veggies that scream summer too! As always we like to mix it up with some different takes on many of the traditional herbs and veggies you all know and love. September will see a delicious twist on the traditional Basil with a variety that has a hint of lemon, some ascetically pleasing tomatoes that are slightly striped (like a tiger!) and appropriately named and some crunchy lettuce to finish!
August 2020 Seeds
August is always a great month for us as the change from Winter to Spring is visually unavoidable. Fruit trees start blossoming, trees bush out with leaves and most importantly it's time to get some warmer crops growing. This month certainly showcases the change in seasons with some warmer season varieties to get you in the mood to garden! We have some really great options to enjoy growing this month.
July 2020 Seeds
This month we've well and truly splashed some colour into your subscription with some fun and tasty favourites. To begin with the this not so round Beetroot provides a bit of fun under the ground. We always love brushing back the dirt at the top of the root to see if it's ready to be pulled up. Then there's some Purple Pak Choi which adds some more colour in the garden and eventually on your plate. It also does well in pots, just make sure you keep up the fertiliser.
October 2020 Seeds
With the variety on offer this month we should've name October the Eggplant Parmigiana Pack pack as all of these ingredients go fantastically well on the plate to create a mean dish! We've included some summer favourites with a great tomato variety of Juane Flamme. Some classic Italian Parsley which you simply can't go wrong with and is such a great herb to have on call in the garden to pick when needed. Finally there's some eggplant and a Greek variety to enjoy.
November 2020 Seeds
We swear summer rolls around quicker and quicker every year. It was just a moment ago we were shivering outside with our cool season crops and now we're tee and short laden, planting our summer veggies! This month does not disappoint as we kick it up a notch and move into some real summer varieties including the common and not so common.
December 2020 Seeds
To begin with we have some Cucumber African Horned, also known as Kiwano. In our experience this is a prolific crop so make sure you don't let it take over the garden. With it's alien looking bounty they are certainly different and refreshing treat once cut open to enjoy. Next is the Radish Watermelon, which has the most amazing pink hue once sliced open and resembles a watermelon. Finally there's the Basil Cinnamon, with a twist that makes this variety something special
January 2021 Seeds
This month sees a strong Japanese influence starting with the Mizuna, which is a Japanese salad green. Next up is another Japanese variety but this time a Chive. The Chives Fuyuyo are a great bunching onion which can be used in a similar fashion to Spring Onions. Lastly we hope you didn't leave these on your plate because it's time to grow them and eat them now - Brussels Sprout Long Island.
February 2021 Seeds
The seasons are about to start changing and it's time to get some Autumn seeds planted! We have gone all out to provide some of natures most intricate work between the Broccoli Romanesco and the Beetroot Chioggia this month. Not to mention the mustard greens variety which hails from Japan - Mustard Chirimen Hakarashi. We hope you have as much fun growing these as we did carefully selecting them for this month.
March 2021 Seeds
This Thyme we have a wild variety to get growing and a very aesthetically pleasing Golden take on a common root crop which we think is Rad(ish!). Finally we have a ripper of a crop with a huge Bulgarian Giant variety which you we've Leeked for our subscribers this month. So many fun things to grow and so little time, let's delve a bit deeper with each crop.
April 2021 Seeds
We've curated a great selection of seeds this month and definitely a controversial blend with Coriander in the mix! Also chosen was Spinach Black Magic which was a variety we hadn't grown before so thought it would be fun to give it a try and share the experience with all of you. Finally we've got some Kohl Rabi, which for all you first time growers will be sure to be a hit as it looks like something out of this world.
May 2021 Seeds
This month we hope you like the selection with the most awesome looking carrots which are sure to keep it interesting when you pull them up. Along with the previous few months of Broccoli and Brussel Sprouts we also wanted to keep the brassicas going with some Cauliflower Early Jesi. To add the cherry on top of some great seeds we chose to go with Rocket Pronto. Who doesn't love a nice parmesan, pear, walnut and balsamic glaze salad - yum!
June 2021 Seeds
This month is some Swiss Chard Rainbow. with stems that look amazing growing together and even better on the plate. We have also included some Asian greens with some Tatsoi which is a pick and come again veggie, meaning you will get multiple harvests. Finally which winter garden wouldn't be complete without some Cabbage and this Red Acre variety adds an awesome purple hue for those slaws to shine on their own or as a part of Tuesday night Tacos!
July 2021 Seeds
e've carefully curated some fun and tasty options this month starting with the Radish Red Rambo. They are the perfect radish for pickling and look great when thinly sliced in salads. There is some Marjoram Sweet which is an excellent all year round herb which will be a hit for any Oregano lovers out there. Lastly something a little different with the Corn Salad Large Dutch variety. This is a crisp must have for those leafy green salads and we hope it's a winner for you!
More from Easy Come Easy Grow

Flower Power Pack!
Attract bees with edible & medicinal flowers! This pack offers beautiful blooms that are practical and bee-friendly. Perfect for summer gardens.

Peat Seedling Pellets (25 Pack)
Add water to grow peat pellets 5x. Plant seeds, watch them sprout. No soil needed. Natural alternative to pots. Easy transplant when seedlings are ready.

Winter garden starter pack: 15 cool-season seed varieties to keep your garden thriving through the cold months. Get ready for a bountiful harvest!

Trucker Cap
Be the coolest this summer with our exclusive PLANTIN' SEEDS & PULLIN' WEEDS headgear. Limited stock available - grab yours now!

Peat Seedling Pellets (5 Pack)
Add water to grow peat pellets 5x. Plant seeds, watch them sprout. No soil needed. Natural alternative to pots. Easy transplant when seedlings are ready.
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