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Conjured for the seasoned, the Supreme subscription guides Seekers through the Wheel of the Year; turning knowledge into practice. Themes of this subscription offering are curated to follow Sabbats, Esbats, astrological occurrences, festivals, and other celebrations.
  • Curated to guide seasoned witches through Sabbats, Esbats, astrological occurrences, festivals, and other Wheel of the Year celebrations.
  • Continued education for those who've been practicing for some time but crave consistency.
  • Your local botanica in a box! Features essential tools, altar décor, books, and advanced rituals.
  • Focuses on the ever-important path to continued growth, over outward aesthetics.
  • Magic at your doorstep!

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Past Boxes from Box of Shadows

November 2023 - Realizing Your Power
November 2023 - Realizing Your Power

Paganism is like a magnet for those seeking a hands-on approach to self-transformation. It's all about learning the tools and spotting the cosmic clues to make our dreams a reality. Taking control of our lives is a major milestone in the spiritual journey, and November's box is your guide. This month, we're delving into the art of recognizing synchronicity, trusting that gut instinct, and creating rituals that truly rock your world.

October 2023 - The Witches' New Year
October 2023 - The Witches' New Year

Our most anticipated box of the year is available now! Samhain, known as The Witches' New Year, is celebrated October 31st. This is the time of the year when the veil between worlds is at its thinnest, and we pause to honor our ancestors. This box will take Initiates through the basics of this sabbat, Priestess members will dive deep into working with the energy of the season, while Supreme seekers will contemplate the lessons of this year and how they shape the next.

September 2023 - Seasonal Transformation
September 2023 - Seasonal Transformation

The Wheel of the Year is turning yet again! 🍁 The Autumnal Equinox, or Mabon, is a time of transition and harvest; a time of balance and realignment as we turn to honor the darkness. Before we plunge into the deep shadow work of Samhain, let us pause here, be present, and ground ourselves. As we pause in the momentary balance of the Equinox, we contemplate the transformation over to the winter season & honor the space between no longer and not yet.

August 2023 - Spirits of Autumn
August 2023 - Spirits of Autumn

Autumn, a season of creativity, reflection, & divination, is just on the horizon. The August box will guide Seekers beyond the veil. Encouraging the members of our Circle to recognize & examine the messages left by our ancestors and Spirit.

July 2023 - Late Summer Blessings
July 2023 - Late Summer Blessings

After the Summer Solstice, we begin looking forward to the first harvest festival of the year, Lammas. This is a time to give thanks for our reaped manifestations and celebrate the sun one last time before Autumn's darker, more contemplative days begin. Our July Box of Shadows will explore this solar harvest sabbat.

June 2023 - Midsummer Blessings
June 2023 - Midsummer Blessings

Litha is the longest day of the year when our Sun reaches its highest point in our skies. Over millennia, many deities have been credited with the ability to make the Sun "stand still" in the sky. The June box will discuss how our ancestors expressed gratitude for all the blessings the light of the Sun provided & how to work with the energy of this day.

May 2023 - Surviving Mercury Retrograde
May 2023 - Surviving Mercury Retrograde

In the internet age, we are all plugged in 24/7, communicating at an unprecedented pace. Mercury, the planet that rules communication and travel, constantly works overtime to keep up. When this planet goes "retrograde," it often causes a stir in the astrology world, causing many to fear this astrological transit. With Mercury also ruling our thoughts and ideas, retrograde periods can feel challenging. The May box will assist in navigating this often mystifying event.

April 2023 - Growth By Fire
April 2023 - Growth By Fire

Beltane, the cross-quarter fire festival, takes place directly between the Spring and Summer Equinoxes and opposite Samhain on the Witches’ calendar. This sabbat presents an opportunity to spark the flames of passion and put into action all those plans we’ve been making since the new year. Out of the ashes of the past, we find new insights and possibilities.

March 2023 - Sowing Prosperity
March 2023 - Sowing Prosperity

While we wait for the last of winter's frost to yield, new seedlings sit on our windowsill, anxious to grow and thrive. This is an exciting time of the year! Nothing compares to the feeling of planting seeds of manifestation and nurturing them into fruition. In the March Box of Shadows, we will discuss the mysticism behind sowing seeds of all kinds into our lives and learn how to nurture our dreams into fruition. ✨

February 2023 - Love with Intention
February 2023 - Love with Intention

February’s Box of Shadows is all about matters of the heart. Circle Members will study the many different types of love and the folklore, magic, & ethics surrounding this most sought-after work.

January 2023 - Awakening the Light
January 2023 - Awakening the Light

a·wak·en·ing: a recognition, realization, or coming into awareness. Usually occurring when we have literally, "woken" our minds & spirits from an unconscious slumber. As we enter this new calendar year, welcome back the light, and look towards Imbolc, we will explore re-awakening parts of ourselves that may have gone dormant during the cold of winter and rekindling them just in time for the next turn of the Wheel.

December 2022 - Season of Light
December 2022 - Season of Light

Yule, which takes place every year on the winter solstice, is the year's shortest day. Though Yule marks the official beginning of winter, it is also when the days begin to grow longer. Many traditions consider this time to be the rebirth of the sun and a celebration of light, a time for reflection, resolution, and renewal. The December box will guide our Circle members through this season of light and show how light can be found even when times are the darkest.

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