Product Details
Bath Bombs and Bubbles Delivered Straight to You
Our Bath Bomb and Bubbles box is a monthly delight. We offer a in home experience for you to sit back and relax and let the day go away. We also have bath bombs and bubbles that are great for the kids, you know the ones that don't like taking baths. Our bath bombs are carb free, vegan, and cruelty free. Each month is a different theme to enjoy.- All products are vegan and cruelty free
- Free shipping on the Detonator Box in the United States
- 3-6 Full sized items. No sample sizes in any box.
- Each item is handmade and themed for that month.
Past Boxes from Bombs and Bubbles
September "The Kid in You" Box
This box is so much fun. This box is going to come with items that all kids (and the kid in You) love. Scented with beautiful florals and sweets. This box is a gorgeous mixture that your skin will love. Just a sneak peak of one of the Bath Bombs that will be featured in the September boxes. These boxes will be sent out September 10th so order today to enjoy the kid in you.
May The Force
Our May box is so good even a galaxy far far and away wants it. Be prepared to pick a side between good and evil. May the Bomb be with you!!!!
October Box
Our October box is filled with Iconic Horror movie characters. This is a must have for October. Slip into the depths of Crystal Lake, become a child again with a chunky doll and don’t forget about an immortal kiss.
November box
Out November box will be.....that’s right you guessed it Thanksgiving. This box is going to be so much fun. We may even add a sneak peak into our December box. Here is a preview into our November box.
December Box
THIS MONTH ONLY We are extending our shipping deadline to 12-16. If you order after the 16th all orders will be moved to the wonderful New Years Resolution January Box. Jingle all the way with our December box. This box is cute for all ages. Enjoy scents of gingerbread, sugar cookies and Christmas trees in the festive fun box. Enjoy a sneak peak into the box!!
January 2020!!!
Bring in the New Year with our ZERO Calorie New Years Resolution Box. You don't need to deny yourself any of the yummy goodies this January with our fun, sweet box of bath bombs. This box is perfect for all of those that want to change their ways for the New Year. Well, Bombs and Bubbles will let you cheat and enjoy it with out feeling guilty or bad about your self. Yummy Goodness is on its way this January.
Lucky Box of March
This fun filled box is filled with luck. Get ready to get submersed in four leaf clovers, horseshoes and a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow. Filled with bright vibrant colors and great "green" scents to keep the luck going.
Love is in the Air
Our February box is sooooo cute. This box is for all ages as well so if you want to give it to a special person or a child that pulls at your heart strings this box is for you. Made with scents that will make everyone fall in love. Here is a sneak peak into what this box will hold.
Bunny Butt
Our April Box is bursting with bunnies. We can’t wait for you to try
What's this?
Bath Bombs Everywhere. Whats this? Scents filling up your tub. What's This? Colors everywhere. Join us for our October box featuring Jack and Sally.
The Wizard Box
Come along and join us for an exciting box of Wizarding bath bombs. This box is filled with some of your favorite characters, landmarks and games. Our bath bombs are magically transformed with fun scents, colors and shapes that will have you traveling back to the movies or much loved books. So sit back and enjoy and let the magic happen.
The Springfield Box
Enter the world of the Springfield family that eats donuts, plays the Saxophone, rides a skateboard and includes a baby. These yellow bath bombs will be sure to bring some excitement, fun and relaxation to your tub time.
The Hodgepodge Box
A little bit of this and that is what our November box will bring. It will be a box filled with an array of different bath bombs that don't go together just like the month of November is crazy, chaotic but so much fun. You wont want to miss this fun, crazy, what were they thinking box.
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