Technology & STEM Activities
Updated by Heather Lefebvre
Miss part of the fourth day of Camp Cratejoy? Have no fear! You and your camper can still catch up on the fun, creative activities we did today for Technology Day.
Take a look at the activities below! We'll update this blog soon with more activities, so keep an eye out for more videos.
Make a Birdfeeder with Girl Scouts of Texas
Make Creative Planes, Black Holes, and Mood Movers with Superpower Academy!
Looking for what you need to create your own Easy Bee-Zee? Here are the print-outs you'll need to make a plane and brainstorm your own unique mood movers.
Saving Our Oceans with Club SciKidz Labs
Keep an eye out for our airplane activity with Superpower Academy! We'll have a video of that up soon.
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